Monday, 1 November 2010

The challenge...

Now I would imagine that most of you are either car drivers or if not, users of public transport. If you are, then there may well have been a time when you considered leaving the car/bus and walking instead - especially when your planned journey was a short one.

So what would be an acceptable distance to walk? One mile? Two? Four or more?

Well, our challenge is slightly more than the equivalent of a walk into town..actually it is considerably more!

Our challenge is to walk 100km, non-stop, in under 30 hours (we're actually hoping to do it in less than 20!) and over the course of the route over the South Downs will climb the equivalent of Mount Snowdon and Ben Nevis - combined!

We will also be looking to raise vast sums of money for Oxfam at the same time as part of the 2011 Trailwalker UK Challenge!

We will be charting our progress via this Blog, Twitter, Facebook etc, etc and would be extremely grateful if you could share this information with as many people as you can. Our fund-raising account can be found at the following link: -