Friday 18 March 2011

The end is in sight!

As the weekend fast approaches and my personal work-life 'balance-ometer' struggles as to where it should be pointing, the end of Trailwalker UK challenge is most definitely in sight.

[The 'balance-ometer' issue results from attending work-related, charity fund-raising events, that even if they hadn't have been (work-related) I would still have wanted to attend. e.g. International Women's day fundraiser at the magnificent London Guildhall in aid of the charity Refuge & the Comedy Store event in aid of initiatives to reduce youth gun crime - so should I classify them as 'work', 'life' or both?]

We have raised nearly £2,300, with at least another £500 pledged, before we start to consider 'events' to boost the total further toasted our (current) £3,500 target. 

In addition we will complete the course this weekend, and hope to cross the finish line some time around 2pm on Sunday afternoon.

Admittedly, this weekend's "completion", will only be at the end of a 31km walk, will mean that we will have completed every stage or the challenge in our training so far.

As they say, the 5 P's are 'fundamental as anything'* when looking to achieve success - Proper Preparation Prevents Poor Performance. Although, not so good if you've got a lisp or speech impediment!

This final point [albeit not unusual for me in that it is somewhat contrived!] reminds me of the man who went to see his doctor and advised him that he couldn't pronounce his "Th's" or his "F's", to which the doctor replied, "Well, you can't say fairer than that!"

[* NB the reference to the excellent fundraising achievements of our fellow Trailwalker participants 'Funda-Mental As Anything']

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