Wednesday 2 February 2011

A matter of perspective

Last night I went to a Comedy Night at a local bar in Canary Wharf with work colleagues, which demonstrated two things. Firstly, how difficult an "art form" stand up comedy is to master, and secondly how inadvisable it is to include the phrase "guaranteed to make you laugh" on the tickets!

To be fair, 80% of the acts were funny 60% of the time, and 20% of the acts were funny 0% of the time, so at least the "principled" Mr Pareto would have been sleeping smugly in his bed!

During one of the acts, Nathan (one of the 80%) did a joke about the recent news headlines which reported that "GLOBAL WARMING IS MORE DANGEROUS THAN GUN CRIME!"

Clearly, when viewed across the globe, this may be the case, but Nathan put a somewhat different slant on things.

Imagine the scene - you have ended up in the wrong part of town, in the early hours of the morning. It is cold, dark and you are alone. Very alone. Then you hear the sound of a car approaching from behind, and when you turn round you see that it is black, with blacked out windows. It slows down as it approaches you, and as you look again you see the front passenger window slowly lower. Then, as the moon briefly appears from behind a cloud, you catch the glimpse of a barrel of a gun pointing through the crack in the window...and it's pointing at YOU!

Now, at this point do you think: -

a) "...I hope that that young man isn't going to blow CO2 in my face", or
b) "...Arrrghh I'm going to get shot!!!!!!!!!!"

So as my aunt said to my daughter at my cousin's wedding - "It's all relatives!"

Whilst there may be more to fear, than fear itself - context is everything. Just as you have more chance of getting kicked to death by a donkey than you do of dying in a plane crash...the chance of 300 people getting kicked to death by 300 donkeys at the same time, is possibly less likely to happen!

Therefore, for those thinking of the dangers of the Trailwalker challenge on your life, health and sanity, think not what it can do to you, but what you can achieve from it!

In addition, if you are ever about to board a plane and see 300 donkeys being led into the cargo hold...possibly consider catching the next flight!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

  1. Hehe, I am loving the chuckle-worthiness (not a word, but it should be) of these blogs. I think had someone of stood up and read most of these out at the comedy club then they would have got at least 95% laughs, 95% of the time (I would be the one near the back chuckling my way through them all though!!! :)
